Care & Technology Lab (IMTT)

to the research institutes

Health and participation with digital technologies

The Institute for People, Technology and Participation (IMTT) works on application-oriented interdisciplinary research projects at the interface between people, technology and social participation. Research focuses include the use of technology in care, support for care processes (case and care management), digital interventions to promote health and technical assistance systems to promote participation for older people and people with disabilities.


Application-oriented & interdisciplinary

The IMTT is characterised by the close integration of technical and nursing science expertise. Scientists from the fields of engineering, computer science, education and health and care sciences work together in interdisciplinary projects at the institute. The IMTT is headed by Prof. Dr. Peter König (Nursing and Rehabilitation Management) and Prof. Dr. Christophe Kunze (Digital Health Technologies). In our projects, we work together with a large network of practice partners from the social and healthcare sectors.

User-oriented and participatory research

A particular focus of the IMTT's projects is on user-oriented design processes and participatory research. Our work is aimed equally at gaining scientific knowledge and further developing care. The Future Care Lab and the Multiprofessional Skills Lab are modern laboratories for the development of application scenarios and the evaluation of solution approaches, in which we investigate the potential of new technologies in care with our practice partners.

In addition to research, the Institute's fields of work also include innovation, networking and practice transfer as well as training and further education.

External link opens in a new window:More about IMTT

Research projects

Current projects


In the KIAFlex project, researchers are developing an assistance system designed to improve clinical and administrative processes in hospital discharge management.
Internal link opens in the same window:to KIAFlex



Against the background of the participatory involvement of carers and care communities, the PiTiPS accompanying project advises and supports the development of socio-technical innovations in collaborative projects.
Internal link opens in the same window:to PiTiPS



The aim of the KIDELIR project is to develop hybrid AI models for delirium prediction and to support reflective nursing decisions with the close involvement of nursing professionals.
Internal link opens in the same window:to KIDELIR​​​​​​​



The project researches how people with dementia experience periods of time in which they are not cared for and do not experience any encounters or activity.
Internal link opens in the same window:to FreiZeit



In the KARE project, various project partners are working together to develop a hybrid assistance system that combines outpatient care with a new type of AI-based interaction system.
Internal link opens in the same window:to KARE



The project aims to empower family caregivers through innovative training in care activities using virtual reality (VR) simulations.
Internal link opens in the same window:to EmpowVR



The aim of the TeleCare project is to improve the health care of patients at home by establishing interprofessional digital ward rounds with the active involvement of nursing services and GPs.
Internal link opens in the same window:to TeleCare


Complex Care

This project is developing innovative education and support concepts for people with complex care needs in outpatient care.
Internal link opens in the same window:to Complex Care



The project is developing digital technologies for the care of people with dementia.
Internal link opens in the same window:to DIDEM



Researchers and students at Furtwangen University and the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in the Dominican Republic are looking at scientific findings in the care of people with dementia.
Internal link opens in the same window:to DemCareDom


Teilhabe Digital

The project develops individual socio-technical arrangements for the social participation of people with cognitive functional impairment.
Internal link opens in the same window:to Teilhabe Digital



The project develops eHealth solutions to promote the nutritional and physical activity behavior of ALG II benefit recipients in rural areas.
Internal link opens in the same window:to eLan


A part of me

The project developed from a student research project and realized a photo-portrait exhibition on the subject of the relationship between people and technology.
Internal link opens in the same window:to Ein Teil Von Mir


Completed projects


The PPZ-Freiburg is a nursing practice center for nursing expertise and the use of technology in acute hospitals. Innovative technologies for use in nursing are tested in the practical care setting of an acute hospital.
Internal link opens in the same window:to PPZ-Freiburg


DDemPlus (2022-2023)

Development and evaluation of an innovative digital dementia care support system for social care in outpatient and informal home-based long-term care
Internal link opens in the same window:to DDemPlus


KoordinAID (2022-2023)

IT-supported coordination of local resource networks to relieve the burden on family caregivers in rural areas.
Internal link opens in the same window:to KoordinAID 


(AP)²caritas (2020-2022)

Academic nursing and extended nursing practice in outpatient and inpatient care for the elderly at Caritas.
Internal link opens in the same window:to (AP)²caritas 


RememTec (2021)

RememTec - spin-off project Interactive media for memory care and social support for people with dementia.
Internal link opens in the same window:to RememTec


TelePaepa (2020-2024)

Investigation of innovative care concepts and the use of telecare in pediatric palliative care.
Internal link opens in the same window:to TelePaepa 


xR-Skills-Lab (2020-2022)

Mixed and virtual reality simulations for learning in healthcare professions.
Internal link opens in the same window:to xR-Skills-Lab 


RemeMTI (2018-2020)

RemeMTI - Interactive media for memory care and social support for people with dementia.
Internal link opens in the same window:to RemeMTI 


EIKI (2018-2020)

Factors influencing the successful implementation of a mobile application for cooperation support in informal care structures.
Internal link opens in the same window:to EIKI 


IBH-Living Labs (2016-2020)

The IBH Living Labs research network is taking up the challenge of making sustainable use of AAL technologies and the associated human assistance services.
Internal link opens in the same window:to IBH-Living Labs 


HEIKE (2016-2018)

HEIKE - IT assistance system to improve hand disinfection in German hospitals.
Internal link opens in the same window:to HEIKE 

BarrFuS (2015-2016)

Barrier-free Furtwangen: As part of the BarrFuS project, a concept is being developed and implemented to improve the activity and participation of older people by removing barriers.
Internal link opens in the same window:to BarrFuS


Wegweiser (2014-2015)

The project is developing the national reference database for technical aids as well as an information platform for easy access to the collected knowledge: the "Guide to Ageing and Technology".
Internal link opens in the same window:to Wegweiser 


InterMem (2015-2018)

The InterMem project is developing and evaluating new approaches to support/further develop biographical work and memory care based on mixed reality systems. 
Internal link opens in the same window:to InterMem


situCare (2016-2019)

Care coordination, situational support and crisis intervention in the care of people with severe care needs and technology dependency.
Internal link opens in the same window:to situCare 


SONIAnetz (2015-2018)

Establishing a mix of help through digital networking of advice and support services.
Internal link opens in the same window:to SONIAnetz 


Blickwechsel (2012 - 2013)

The project examines success factors, obstacles and pioneering practical examples in order to develop recommendations for action for stakeholders in science (e.g. in the field of information technology, care management, etc.) and practice (e.g. local authorities, advice centres and technology providers).
Internal link opens in the same window:to Blickwechsel


ExIAL (2013-2015)

Future Care Lab - Development of an experimental system for intelligent assistive living environments.
Internal link opens in the same window:to ExIAL 


ENAS (2013-2014)

Effects and benefits of age appropriate assisting systems - practicable process models, evaluation methods and tools.
Internal link opens in the same window:to ENAS 


SONIA (2013-2015)

Social inclusion through technology-supported communication services
Internal link opens in the same window:to SONIA 


ZAFH-AAL (2013-2017)

Center for Applied Research: Assistive systems and technologies to secure social relationships and participation for people in need of assistance.
Internal link opens in the same window:to ZAFH-AAL


Self-determined and safe (2013-2016)

Self-determined and safe - integrated care provision in rural areas through technology-supported assistance and coordination.
Internal link opens in the same window:to Self-determined and Safe