to the research projects

Multimodal assistance for home care

The Covid 19 pandemic has posed particular challenges for older people with care needs and their family members. Due to contact restrictions, for example, many voluntary and semi-professional offers of support (such as visiting services or everyday support) could not be taken advantage of, putting additional strain on the already often fragile care arrangements. At the same time, limited contact for those in need of care and their relatives, who are often also very old, has led to an increased risk of social isolation and loneliness, associated with considerable health problems (physical, cognitive and psychological).

In the KARE project, a hybrid assistance system is to be developed through the collaboration of various project partners, combining outpatient care provision with a novel, AI-based interaction system. The core of the project is a multimodal interaction system with enhanced video, voice and gesture interaction, which should lead to increased activation, prevention, well-being and social integration among those in need of care.

  • Social isolation and health issues Limited home care arrangements for older people can increase the risk of social isolation and physical, cognitive and psychological health issues.
  • Hybrid assistance system Various project partners are collaborating to combine outpatient care provision using a novel, AI-based system with enhanced video, voice and gesture interaction.
  • Increased health and well-being The multimodal interaction system will lead to increased activation, well-being and social integration of those in need of care, and prevention of health issues.

Project partners

  • Furtwangen University, Care & Technology Lab
  • Karlsruhe University
  • Inferics GmbH
  • voice INTER connect GmbH
  • 3dvisionlabs GmbH
  • easierLife GmbH
  • BruderhausDiakonie


The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the "Hybrid Interaction Systems" funding measure.

  • KARE (I62)