Ah, ok! You'll get the answers here.
Which degree programme suits me? What can I do and what do I want to do? There are many ways to find out, for example on the internet, at universities and at career information centers (BIZ). If you want to start your own search first, online self-tests and special information portals on the internet are suitable. Perhaps you prefer to explore the area of study opportunities together with others? Or do you need support on how to go about your search? Then a seminar with other students or a discussion with our Central Advisory Service is a good idea.
All-round advice
Our Central Advisory Service will make it as easy as possible for you to decide on a course of study and your future career. Prospective students, pupils and students at Furtwangen University are very welcome here. Advisory sessions are available on every campus of HFU. The Central Advisory Service is the right place to go if you need support and more than just information. Whether before or during your studies, we offer confidential and neutral advice on personal matters. Whether you have questions about the range of courses offered by the university, need help deciding on a course of study, or on changing subjects, financing your studies, preparing for exams and learning techniques, or on studying with a child, disability or chronic illness – we'll help you find answers, contacts and solutions.
Search the internet
The Hochschulkompass provides a complete overview of the degree programmes offered in Germany. The forms of study, types of higher education institutions and degrees are all presented. The search function allows you to find degree programmes throughout Germany.
If you are interested in how current students rate our university and degree programmes, then check out External link opens in a new window:www.studycheck.de. Take a look at the many great reviews for HFU and be inspired!
Do an online test
With the www.was-studiere-ich.de orientation test you can get feedback on your interests and abilities. You'll receive recommendations regarding possible degree programmes and careers. At the end of the test, you can compare your results with the requirements of degree courses and careers.
www.was-studiere-ich.de is the general orientation test of the universities and the state. It is compulsory for applicants in Baden-Württemberg to complete this study orientation procedure which is intended to help applicants make an informed choice. At the end of the orientation test, you receive a formal certificate that you have taken the test – without stating the results. Universities in Baden-Württemberg require this certificate for your application.
Attend a seminar
BEST - BErufs- und STudienorientierung:
The BEST Seminar is a workshop for school students. The BEST seminar gives you the opportunity to get a clearer idea of your interests, skills and goals under guidance. As a participant you also work out what is important to you in your career or studies. At the end of the two-day seminar, you'll have an individual portfolio to help you decide on a course of study or career.
BEST is designed as a school event and takes place during school hours. Pupils who take part in BEST receive a leave of absence for school in advance. The workshops are offered throughout Baden-Württemberg according to a standardised concept. It was developed by experts from the University of Constance in collaboration with experienced counselors.
You can find more information about BEST, as well as seminar dates in your area, on the study info page of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts: www.bw-best.de
Get advice
Are you still at the very beginning of your study orientation and don't have a real plan? Do you need help choosing a course of study? Help is available from the contact persons for pupils and prospective students in the general or central student advisory services of universities including the Central Advisory Service at Furtwangen University. Contact details are at the bottom of this page.
Have you found your desired degree programme at a university? Do you need detailed information about a degree programme?
Universities usually have a contact person for each degree programme. This student advisor is responsible for the degree programme and is therefore an expert on the course. You can find the contact details of your contact person at HFU at the bottom of our Internal link opens in the same window:degree programme pages.
Advisors at the Employment Agency can also help you with career guidance. They offer personal careers advice. The BIZ career information centres of the job centres also offer a wide range of information for independent research.
Attend a fair
We at Furtwangen University would love to meet you in person! We are regularly present at events such as fairs, where you can meet current students, staff and lecturers at our stand. The best way to find out when we are where is to check our social media (our Insta channel is @hs.furtwangen) and just drop by!
Come to an open day or one of our events
There's always something going on at HFU. It is important for us to offer you many opportunities to experience our university, our exciting course content and the many friendly people behind it.
University Open Day
You can get to know our university world at the Open Day for school pupils. It takes place every year in mid-November and we offer you a great programme at all our campuses so that you can really get a taste of HFU! You can take part in try-out lectures, visit laboratories, learn about all our degree programmes and get special information about applications and admissions. And of course you can also take the opportunity to ask us questions!
More information about the Internal link opens in the same window:University Open Day
Girls' and Boys' Day
Girl's Day takes place every year in April especially for girls, where, for example, the natural sciences subjects at the university are presented with special workshops.
And, of course, there is also Boys' Day for boys, where you can get a taste of subjects such as health or media.
More information about Internal link opens in the same window:Girl's/Boys' Day
Kids Uni/Teen Uni
You can't encourage a child's interest in something early enough, so the Kids Uni is always organised at the end of July on the Schwenningen campus of Furtwangen University. It is aimed at children aged 8 to 12 and lasts one morning. Our newly introduced Teen Uni was also a great success – and above all great fun for anyone aged 13 and over who is interested in science, experiments and workshops. A Kids Uni is also held in Furtwangen every year during the summer holidays.
More information about the Internal link opens in the same window:Kids Uni
Info about the Internal link opens in the same window:Teen Uni
Furtwangen also hosts the week-long Internal link opens in the same window:Furtwangen Kids Uni.
Taster courses
Are you a pupil and want to find out whether studying would be the right thing for you after school? Then why not become a student on our taster course! Many of our faculties offer the opportunity to study with us during the Whitsun and autumn school holidays. You can mingle with our students and experience first-hand what it's like to study at HFU.
More about the Internal link opens in the same window:Taster courses
Computer Science Taster courses
Our Faculty of Computer Science offers you a great opportunity to collect the first credit points for your future studies even before you finish school. Interested in programming? Then take a look at the External link opens in a new window:Try-out Uni!
Technical Orientation Prep Course
If you are interested in technology, but just don't know exactly which direction you are most interested in, then we offer you a very special opportunity at our Tuttlingen location. For one summer semester (March to July), you can take our "Technical Orientation" prep course and try out our medical technology, materials science, engineering psychology, mechatronics and digital production degree programmes. The best thing is that the points you collect you can "cash in" in a subsequent, regular degree programme!
More about the Internal link opens in the same window:Technical Orientation prep course
Call us. Write to us. Or just come by, whatever you prefer.
The fact that you are browsing this page probably means that you're interested in studying at HFU.
There are usually so many individual questions that we can't answer everything on our pages. So our Central Advisory Service would be happy to hear from you! The contact details are at the bottom of this page.
It would be great to see you soon at HFU!
We are here for you!
If you have any questions or need advice about studying, please contact the advisor for the programme you are interested in. You’ll find the contact information at the bottom of each Internal link opens in the same window:degree programme page.