Factors influencing the successful implementation of a mobile application for cooperation support in informal care structures
Innovative approaches to cooperative care concepts as part of the neighbourhood approach integrate and network family support, professional care and civic engagement and can thus promote the stabilization and simultaneous flexibilization of care services (help mix).
The complex organization and control requires technical networking of these professional, semi-professional and informal structures in the social space. Initial technical developments are already being made in other research projects, such as the SONIAnetz project. The prototype developed there, called "Zirkel", enables the representation of individual networks and facilitates communication and cooperation between the actors.
In the EIKI project, the prototype developed in the SONIAnetz project is to be converted into a sustainable app, expanded to include the components of the organization and transferred to the social space of Fischerbach, Mönchweiler and Sankt Georgen. Two main objectives are being pursued:
Firstly, to strengthen local structures for the development of individual care arrangements and secondly, to analyse individual care arrangements and support and accompany them in the implementation of groupware to promote collaboration.
One of the intended outcomes of the project is the development of recommendations for transferring the results to other neighborhood projects.
Target group
The target group of the project is all those involved in the care of a person in need (see figure). The focus here is particularly on the actors required to build caring communities.
Expected impact
- Optimisation of future-oriented care structures in the aid mix
- Simple and smooth collaboration between stakeholders through collaboration tools
- Formulation of recommendations for transferability
Project partners
- Furtwangen University (project management)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
- Caritasverband Kinzigtal e.V.
- Bürgergemeinschaft Fischerbach e.V.
- Community of Mönchweiler
- Generation Bridge Mönchweiler
- Town of St. Georgen
- Schneiderhan nursing service
- Evangelische Altenhilfe St. Georgen gGmbH