Academic nursing practice in outpatient and inpatient care for the elderly at Caritas
Academic nursing practice in outpatient and inpatient care for the elderly at Caritas
Analysis of the topic of "digitalisation" according to social, cultural and ethical challenges
Photo portrait exhibition on the subject of the relationship between people and technology
Assistive systems to ensure social relationships and participation for people with assistance needs
Analysis and identification of user, technology, network and market barriers for AAL solutions
Socio-technical arrangements for the participation of people with functional impairments
Life span model to new perspectives for research and practice.
AI-supported systematisation of age images in central lifeworlds
Local resource networks provide relief for family caregivers in rural areas
Analysis of pay-as-you-live (PAYL) tariffs in the healthcare sector
Integrated nursing care in rural areas through technology-supported assistance
Barrier-free Furtwangen
Generic BioNMPC for the development of dynamic bioeconomic processes
Using Biogas Digital Twin to exploit the full potential of biogas processes
Technical assistance systems for independent living in old age
Education and support concepts for those with complex care needs
Mental health and quality of life for people with dementia and their caregivers
Care coordination and crisis intervention for patients with severe care needs
Introduction of a digital interprofessional ward round
Development of a digital dementia care support system for long-term care
Digital technologies for the care of those with dementia
Participation of people with cognitive functional impairments
eHealth solutions to support recipients of ALG II benefits in rural areas
Mobile application to support cooperation in informal care structures
Empowerment of family caregivers
Effects and benefits of age appropriate assisting systems
Experimental system for intelligent assistive living environments
Dementia research - care and contact-free periods
Nursing practice center for nursing expertise and use of technology in acute hospitals
IT assistance system to improve hand disinfection in hospitals
Modulation of the Reactivity of Proteins and Thermodynamics using Pressure
Interactive Memories - Technology-supported biography work and memory care
AI-supported assistance for hybrid interaction for home care
Interactive AI assistance for control in discharge and transfer management
Hybrid AI system for delirium prediction to relieve the burden on nursing practice
Mixed and virtual reality simulations for learning in healthcare professions
Interactive media for memory care and social support for persons with dementia
Use of telecare in pediatric palliative care
Innovative technologies for informal caregivers and care communities
Interactive media for memory care and social support for those with dementia
Social inclusion through technology-supported communication services
Help mix for digital networking of advice and support services
Digital self-measurement in healthcare between empowerment and new barriers
Development of a reference database on the topic of age and technology
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