
Digital neighbourhood work, project workshop

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Contact studies in neighbourhood work: Digital neighbourhood work project workshop

13.06. and 18.07.2024

Blended learning training course "Digital neighborhood work"

For neighborhood developers, community and network managers
Aim and content of the training course

Digital networking offers great potential for supporting social space-oriented care. However, apart from information websites, digital services have hardly played a role in neighborhood concepts to date. However, there is a great deal of interest and openness towards internet-based social services. However, there is usually a lack of clearly formulated strategies, knowledge about possible and sensible forms of use and the corresponding skills for implementation on site.

The aim of the training course is to support neighborhood stakeholders in the design and implementation of digital services. These can be digital offerings in neighborhood development (e.g. digital participation formats, digital networking) as well as digital offerings in the individual fields of action (e.g. promoting social interaction and active neighborhoods or providing help and support in care). In addition to teaching the basics of digital neighborhood work, projects for the implementation of corresponding offers are accompanied and supported in a joint work phase.

Forms of work: Classroom training, self-work phases, online coaching


1st attendance day: Basics

  • Digital transformation and neighborhood development - basics
  • Digital networking of citizens in the neighborhood (social media, neighborhood portals, ...) and digital networking (specialist portals, ...)
  • Practical examples
  • Strategic planning and conception of digital neighborhood work

Accompanied self-work phase (with online exchange) - approx. 3-4 weeks

  • Participatory self-assessment of maturity level for digital neighborhood development
  • Strategy development for a digital neighborhood offering
  • Development of an implementation concept

2nd attendance day: project workshop

  • Presentation of the work results
  • Discussion and reflection among the participants
  • Planning of measures
  • Tandem formation if necessary

Target group: Neighborhood developers, community workers, network managers

A maximum of 15 places are available for one event.

Upon successful completion of the course, Furtwangen University will issue a certificate of continuing academic education worth 3 ECTS credits.

The performance assessment takes the form of a presentation. In this, the participants apply the content taught to their own project. Information about the type and scope of the project will be provided in advance.

Prof. Dr. Christophe Kunze

Director - Institute for People, Technology and Participation (IMTT)
Faculty of Health, Safety, Society
Furtwangen University

Course fees
€690 (fully refundable via the Quartiersakademie Baden-Württemberg)

This includes organisational and content-related support, study materials, use of the HFU platforms and the certificate as well as snacks and refreshments during the face-to-face events. Not included are costs for travel to and from the face-to-face events and for overnight stays.

It is possible to apply for financial support from the Neighborhood Academy for participation in this event if you are involved or would like to be involved in neighborhood development. The Neighborhood Academy is financed by state funds approved by the Baden-Württemberg state parliament.

Further information can be found at: External link opens in a new window:https://www.quartiersakademie.de/vernetzung/details/projektwerkstatt-digitale-quartiersarbeit-2/

Registration form
Registration by email to:Email application is started:hfu-akademie(at)hfu.eu