Zur Person
2018-ongoing Professor for Sozioinformatics, Furtwangen University, Germany.
- Teaching.
- Supervising of bachelor students including personal coaching, regular feedback and assessment.
- Research on Sustainability design (in collaboration with industry).
- Developing, conceptualizing and writing applications.
2016-2018 Junior Research Group Leader, Sustainable Software Systems Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
- Research on Sustainability design in collaboration with industry.
- Project leader AVARE: Anwendung zur Verteilung und Auswahlrechtskonformer Datenschutzeinstellungen.
- Developing, conceptualizing and writing applications.
- Supervising of doctoral students including personal coaching, regular feedback and assessment.
- Teaching.
- Industry Partner: InsideAX, FairLötet
2015-2018 Margarete von Wrangell Fellow, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
- Research on Sustainability design.
- Project leader AVARE: Anwendung zur Verteilung und Auswahlrechtskonformer Datenschutzeinstellungen.
- Developing, conceptualizing and writing applications.
- Teaching.
- Industry Partner: promatis, Siemens
2015-2016 Adjunct professor (Lehrbeauftragte), University of Stuttgart, Germany.
2009-ongoing Consultant, by order of the Research Center for Information Technology FZI, Software Engineering Division, 2009 – 2012, 2014 Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Consulting in risk management, business process management, global software engineering, and requirements engineering.
- Industry Partners: Berlitz, TRUMPF, promatis
2014 PostDoc, part time, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
- Research on Sustainable Software Systems Engineering.
- Supervising of students including personal coaching, regular feedback and assessment.
- Developing, conceptualizing and writing applications.
- Teaching.
- Industry Partner: Ericsson
2013-2015 Consultant
- Technical Advisor, IT-process improvement, value based software engineering, Susy in RE.
- Industry Partner: Georg Eberth Bau, Ericsson, Siemens, InsideAX, Pharao Solutions
2012-2013 Senior Researcher, Software Engineering Research Lab, part time,Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
- Research on software product transfer and software process improvement performed in close collaboration with Ericsson.
- Research results have been adopted by the organizations. Teaching.
- Industry Partner: Ericsson
07.2012-12.2012 Maternity leave
2006-2011 Graduate Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
- Projects in close collaboration with industry, research, and teaching activities in business process management and software engineering.
- Industry Partners: BrandMaker, TRUMPF, Nokia Siemens Networks, promatis, mSALES, Pharaos Solutions, aicas.
2006-2011 Consultant – Technical Advisor, Eberth Bau GmbH & Co. KG, Bamberg, Germany.
- Installation, configuration, and maintenance of a computer network.
- Training courses on various software systems.
2009-2011 Adjunct professor (Lehrbeauftragte), University of Applied Science Ludwigshafen, Germany.
2005-2006 Research Assistant, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Requirements analysis, process modeling.
2003-2004 Student Job, WEB.DE, Karlsruhe.
- Documentation and testing.
2002-2003 Research Assistant, Research Center for Information Technology FZI, Karlsruhe.
- Evaluation and configuration of content management systems.
2001 Research Assistant, Tsunami Engineering Laboratory, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, Disaster Control Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering.
- Development of a webpage about tsunamis, working on numerical simulations.
1996 Internship, Robert Bosch GmbH, sustainable business unit, Bamberg.
- Taking and testing sample of water, developing a strategy for sustainable water consumption.
Forschungsfelder und / oder Lehrgebiete
- Sustainability
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Requirements Engineering
- Values in Software Engineering
- IT Product Design
- Digitalisation: Technologies and Impact
- Innovative IT Products
- Psychology of the IT Market: Consumer behaviour