to the research projects

Data Literacy and Data Science for SMEs: Training and Qualification

The "Data Literacy and Data Science for SMEs: Training and Qualification" project was set up in conjunction with nine Baden-Württemberg universities with the aim of strengthening the ability of small and medium-sized enterprises to capture and evaluate huge amounts of data. To do so, the partners have developed various different training and qualification initiatives, under the leadership of the School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS) of the University and the Technical University Ulm.

Furtwangen University offers workships, seminars, talks and certified modules in the area of blockchain and machine learning.

More about DLDS

Projects and Partners


Funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration with funds from the European Social Fund and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.


The following is a brief overview of the initiatives. It is planned to offer this programme in cooperation with the HFU Academy after the project has ended.

Online Workshops

  • Machine Learning for small and medium-sized enterprises
    • Definitions of artificial intelligence, modeling, procedure and life cycle, algorithms, quality of models and data, chances, risks and limitations of ML, technical implementation in industry, industry use cases
    • Implementation of industrial exercises with KNIME (support by experts)
  • Deep Learning for image analysis for small and medium sized enterprises
    • Teaching the basics of neural networks, convolutional neural networks, augmentation of images, discussion of examples from industry
    • Implementation of practical tasks from industry with the help of Python, Tensorflow and Jupyter Notebook (support by experts)
  • Blockchain for small and medium enterprises
    • Basics of blockchain technology, business models and use cases with blockchain, creation of smart contracts, limits and weaknesses of blockchain technology, legal aspects
    • Practical implementation of the use case "Hamchain" with the Hyperledger platform and NodeJS programming (support by experts)


Certificate course (3 ECTS and 6 ECTS)

Machine Learning for small and medium-sized enterprises

  • Thematically and content-wise similar to the online workshop of the same name, but with a stronger focus on algorithms
  • 3 ECTS for attendance and successful submission and discussion of exercises
  • 6 ECTS for the additional execution of a large, practical project


Lecture series

Blockchain for small and medium-sized enterprises

  • Provision of theoretical underpinnings and expert input on deployments of Blockchain in industry such as:
  • Self-managed Identity Properties, Tamper-proof General Assemblies, Blockchain Ensured Certificates, Secure Identity in Business and Distributed Networks, Blockchain-based Euro, Building Blocks Project for the Uno, Blockchain - current status and prospects