Further information
Curriculum Vitae
- Born in Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg in 1962
- Graduate in Physics at the University of Stuttgart and Oregon-State University (USA)
Thesis in Fibre Optic Communications - Ph.D at The Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Physics in Stuttgart.
Thesis in Optical Spectroscopy - Scientific research in South-Korea and Japan
- Professional carreer with Siemens Broadband Telecommunications Unit in Marketing, Technical Sales, Product Engineering / -Development
- Development of Broadband xDSL technology and optical networks from innovation to commercialisation
- Delegation to Beijing, China to set up a local R&D Center
- Expatriate at the South Korean telecommunications equipment provider DASAN Networks Inc, Seoul as VP for product engineering
- Siemens internal audit and consulting group
- Since May 2010 professorship at the Hochschule Furtwangen
- Member of the VDSL Forum and Broadband World Forum
- Member of the FTTH Council
- Highspeed-Infobahn fürs Wohnzimmer, c't 16/1998, S. 78
- Organic Materials for Molecular Electronics: European and Overseas Activities, Report for the Commission of the European Communities, 1995
- 25 scientific publications on optical fiber transmission and molecular spectroscopy
- Taschenbuch der telekom praxis 2002
- 'Evolving Broadband Architectures and Advances' Session Chair, Broadband World Forum 2004, IEC, Seoul
- 'Migration towards Ethernet in the Broadband Access Network' Session Chair, Broadband World Forum 2003, IEC, London, Oktober 2003
- 'Emerging Applications for the Next-Generation Broadband Network' Broadband World Forum 2002, IEC, Berlin, Oktober 2002
- 'VDSL – Technology and Applications' Access Forum der IfKom, Systems, Oktober 2002
- 'Migration of DSL-Based Access towards a Full-Service Access Network' DSL World Forum 2001, IEC, London, Oktober 2001
- 'Dienste über ADSL am Beispiel Voice over DSL', 8. ITG Fachtagung für Kommunikationskabelnetze, Köln, Dezember 2001
- 'Developing and implementing interactive broadband applications for an end-to-end architecture based on VDSL access', Access Technologies 2001, VIB, Barcelona
- 'Mapping the Quality of Service Requirements of Business and Consumer Applications onto the Networking Layer Capabilities' Maximising Copper, IIR, Berlin
- 'Maximising Copper in the local loop through ADSL deployment' Global IP Summit 2000, IIR, Mai 2000, Rome
- 'Providing Services in the access network on a generic service platform' Proceedings of the international telecommunications symposium ´94, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Field of research and / or teaching
- Broadband Infrastructur in rural areas
- Consultancy in broadband network evolution
- Economics of Access Networks
- Network Engineering