Senate Committees

to Why HFU?

We have a wide range of Senate committees on a variety of topics headed by experts in their field.


Senate Mobility Committee

The Senate Committee for Sustainable Mobility in Rural Areas has a cross-faculty interdisciplinary function at HFU. This committee was founded in March 2015. Its establishment was preceded by an active working group. The focus of this committee is on the mobility of our university, i.e. students, employees and professors alike.

The current focus is on efficient public transport connections and e-mobility. In addition to traditional research projects, semester projects are also regularly created for our students. The focus here is on issues such as environmentally friendly, efficient and socially acceptable transport connections.

Senate Sustainability Committee

(Term of office until 28 February, 2025)

  • Nico Eisenkrämer (Advisory expert, Climate Protection Officer)
  • Fabian Finken (Safety Engineer)
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gloistein
  • Christina Gunzenhauser (Librarian)
  • Axel Heinzmann
  • Prof. Dr. Achim Karduck
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Kramer
  • Kordula Kugele
  • Prof. Dr. Stephan Lambotte
  • Andrea Linke (Chair)
  • Sandy-Cheril Manton (Advisory expert, Climate Protection Officer)
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mescheder (Chair)
  • Hendrik Mielke (Technical Service)
  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Munk
  • Prof. Dr. Margareta Müller
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Salat
  • Natalja Schäfer (Finance Department)
  • Prof. Dr. Holger Schneider

Senate Gender & Diversity Advisory Committee

It is made up of members from the faculties, the central services and the deputy Equal Opportunities Officer and meets once a semester under the chairmanship of the Equal Opportunities Officer. The advisory committee was confirmed by the Senate for the term of office until 31 March, 2025.


  • Advising the Senate on all matters relating to equality
  • Communicating equality and diversity activities externally and internally
  • Strategic positioning of equal opportunities work at HFU


  • Mervete Alijaj (Gender Equality Representative)
  • Prof. Dr. Marianne Andres (Chair, Equal Opportunities Officer)
  • Florian Braune
  • Prof. Dr. Katja Bremm (Equal Opportunities Officer Fu)
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Busolt
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Cerquera
  • Dr. Thorsten Fitzon (HFU Cooperative Doctoral Programme)
  • Helga Fleig (Student Affairs Department)
  • Sabine Vetter-Hauser (Equal Opportunities Officer)
  • Kerstin Kiy
  • Karin Lachner (Equal Opportunities Officer VS)
  • Prof. Dr. Ruxandra Lasowski
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Noll
  • Regina Sauter (Human Resources Department)
  • Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmidt
  • Prof. Dr. Maja Temerinac-Ott
  • Martina Warmer (Equal Opportunities Officer TUT)
  • Silke Weidmann (Expert advisor, Gender & Diversity)

QM Board

The QM Board was established in May 2010 and is a Senate advisory committee with representatives from the Executive Board, the faculties, the administration and the student body. As a committee, it advises the Senate on all quality-related issues concerning teaching and learning and adopts university-wide quality standards and procedures. Two student representatives ensure that the students' voice is represented in decisions.

Central Examination Board (ZPA)


  • Coordination of the uniform application of the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO)
  • Dealing with cross-course examination matters
  • Coordination of cross-faculty measures in connection with the quality of teaching.


Vice President Academics (Chair), the respective Chair of the Faculty Examination Board, the Head of the Examination Office and the Head of the Student Affairs Department

  • Prof. Dr. Rütger Conzelmann
  • Prof. Dr. Ullrich Dittler
  • Helga Fleig (Head of the Student Affairs Department)
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gloistein
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Gollwitzer (Head of the Examinations Office, Faculties ITE, MME, WING, term of office until 31.08.2024)
  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Katz
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohl
  • Prof. Dr. Margareta Müller (Deputy Head of the Examination Office, Faculties GSG, MLS, W, WI, term of office until 31.08.2024)
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Schön
  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Thiel
  • Prof. Dr. Arno Weber (Deputy Head of the Examination Office, term of office until 31.08.2024)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Weidmann
  • Prof. Dr. Holger Ziekow