First Semester Welcome

to Events

General information

We'd like to welcome all our new students to Furtwangen University!

Not long to go now!
Your first semester begins on 17 March and we're really looking forward to seeing you!

The first few days at HFU

General information

Our first-year student welcome events take place on each of our campuses.

The room names show you where to go − first to the right building, then to the right floor. For example, you'll find Room B 1.14a in Furtwangen in the B Building, on the first floor.

Our online meetings are held on Zoom. The Zoom links are integrated into the events programme. External link opens in a new window:You can test Zoom here.

You'd like to find out a bit about Furtwangen University before you start?  Click here to see videos about the various HFU facilities and about starting university at HFU.

Starting university on the Furtwangen Campus

Starting university on the Furtwangen Campus on 17 March?
(Please check again before your first day at which location your studies will take place)

Your Freshers Programme

Thursday, 13 March

  • 9.00 - 10.30am: Introduction to digital services in English - in Zoom
    Please register in Zoom with first and last name. Please also enter your study programme. If you are an exchange student, please enter (IC).
    Example: John Smith (IC)

Monday, 17 March

  • In the morning: Faculty and study programme orientation events
    • Detailed programme to be advised
  • 12.00 noon: Welcome by the university executive - Auditorium (Aula) (B 1.14a)
  • from 12.15pm "Market of Opportunities" ("fair" with various stands) with distribution of Freshers bags by the student union (AStA) and “Market rally” - Auditorium (B 1.14a)
    Internal link opens in the same window:Here you can find a list of the exhibitors.
  • 1.30pm: Market of Opportunities ends - Auditorium (Aula) (B 1.14a)
  • 1.30 - 2.15pm: Introduction to School of Languages & Cultures in English - language courses, exams and workshops on offer - Auditorium (B 1.14a)
  • 2.15 - 2.30pm: Awards Ceremony for "Market Rally" - Auditorium (B 1.14a)
  • 2.30pm onwards: Student Union (AStA) presentation followed by BBQ

Tuesday, 18 March

  • In the morning: individual Faculty and study programme events
    • Detailed programme to be advised
  • Lunch break and return home
  • 2.00 - 3.30pm: Introduction to digital services in German - in Zoom
  • 8.00pm Presentation of student clubs (Reftreffs) by Student Union (AStA) in German  - Auditorium (B 1.14a) 
    More information here:

Wednesday, 19 March 

  • 2.00 - 3.30pm: (optional): Online workshop “Lectures (without frustration) - Effective Note-taking” (Center for Teaching and Learning) in Germanin Zoom
  • 3.30 - 4.30pm: Student Services (Studierendenwerk Freiburg) presentation (government grants (BAFöG), student support) in German - in Zoom

Introduction to Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) 

  • Dates to be advised

Starting university on the Schwenningen Campus

Starting university on the Schwenningen Campus on 17 March?
(Please check again before your first day at which location your studies will take place)

Your Freshers Programme

Thursday, 13 March

  • 9.00 - 10.30am: Introduction to digital services in English - in Zoom
    Please register with first and last name in Zoom and give your study programme. If you are an exchange student, please enter (IC).
    Example: John Smith (IC)

City Tour (please note, places are limited!)

  • Saturday, 15 March 10.00am - 11.30am: Free city tour of Schwenningen run by Tourist-Info VS - in English 
    Meeting point will be announced after registration (if the first group is full, the second group will meet at 11.45am)
  • Monday, 24 March 5.30pm - 7.30pm: Free city tour of Schwenningen run by Tourist-Info VS - in German
    Meeting point will be announced after registration

Monday, 17 March

  • In the morning: faculty and study programme orientation events
    • Detailed programme to be advised
  • 12.00 noon: Welcome by the university executive - A 0.0X
  • 12.15 - 1.30pm: "Market of Opportunities" ("fair" with various stands) with distribution of first semester bags by Student Union (AStA) and “Market rally” - A 0.0X
    Internal link opens in the same window:Here you find a list of the exhibitors.
  • 1.30pm: End of the "Market of Opportunities" - A 0.0X
  • 1.30 - 2.15pm: Introduction by School of Languages & Cultures on language courses, exams and workshops on offer - in English - A 0.0X
  • from 2.15pm: Introduction to Student Union (AStA) and rally - A 0.0X

Tuesday, 18 March

  • 9.00am: Breakfast with the Student Union (ASTA) with awards ceremony for the "Market Rally"- A 0.0X
  • 10.30am: Safety briefing in German - A 0.0X
  • 11.15am: Individual faculty and study programme events
    • Detailed programme to be advised
  • Lunch break and return home
  • 2.00-3.30pm: Introduction to digital services in Germanin Zoom
    Please register with first and last name and faculty / degree program (example: Max Mustermann, IBM (Business School)
  • 6.15pm: “Get together” and pub crawl (from 6.30pm) with the Student Union (AStA) - meeting point: inner courtyard

Wednesday, 19 March

  • 2.00 - 3.30pm: (optional): Online workshop “Lectures (without frustration) - Effective Note-taking” (Center for Teaching and Learning) in GermanIn Zoom
  • 3.30 - 4.30pm: Student Services (Studierendenwerk Freiburg) information session (BAFöG - government grants, student support) in German - in Zoom

Wednesday, 26 March

  • 2.00 - 2.30pm: Introduction to the Schwenningen Learning Centre - A 0.0X
    The Learning Centre is an open learning room for everyone. Every Wednesday between 2.00 and 5.00pm you can study alone or in groups with experienced tutors on hand to help you! The following are the main subjects covered: maths, electrical engineering, chemistry, anatomy and physiology.
  • 2.30 - 5.00pm: Educational Escape Game in German
    Would you like to get to know other freshers and get some study tips at the same time? Then sign up for our Escape Game in the VS Learning Centre.
    External link opens in a new window:Registration and more info

Introduction to Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) 

  • Dates to be advised

Starting university on the Tuttlingen Campus

Starting university on the Tuttlingen Campus on 17 March?
(Please check again before your first day at which location your studies will take place)

Your Freshers Programme

Monday, 17 March

  • 2.00pm: Welcome
  • 2.15pm Campus and Life + Introduction to the learning platform, digital services and the library
  • 3.15pm: Coffee break
  • 3.45pm: Onboarding with programme information and campus tour
    • Applied Materials Scieences MSc
    • Human Factors MSc
    • Mechatronic Systems MSc
    • Technical Orientation Prep Course
  • 4.30pm Market of Opportunities" ("fair" with various stands)
  • 5.30pm - open end: Student Union (AStA) meet and greet party

Wednesday, 19 March

  • 2.00 - 3.30pm: (optional): Online workshop “Lectures (without frustration) - Effective Note-taking” (Center for Teaching and Learning) in GermanIn Zoom
  • 3.30 - 4.30pm: Student Services (Studierendenwerk Freiburg) information session (BAFöG - government grants, student support) in German - in Zoom

Introduction to Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) 

  • Dates to be advised